Transforming Human Lives;
Building Peace in the world
Coachiva is a coaching and organizational development company dedicated to building peace in the world through the inner healing and transformation of human lives. We provide individuals and organizations the approaches and tools to heal, transform, and empower themselves towards purpose, inner peace and wellbeing.
Why Coachiva?
Finding purposeful leadership and well-being in life and at work is a complex endeavor. It takes intentionality to heal and transform what is no longer working so that true empowerment can occur.
At Coachiva, we help you to discover that which is holding you and your team back from living a fulfilling and balanced life at home and at work. By finding clarity in purpose, you’ll start seeing possibilities instead of problems; you’ll create more compassionate relationships and diffuse conflicts; you’ll develop mindful ways to cope with anxiety and stress; and, you’ll regain a sense of creative joy in your work and life in general.
The 4 pillars of the Coachiva approach
Purposeful leadership
Living and leading your life purposefully means exercising your passions, gifts, and values for a higher purpose that will eventually benefit others. If we are a purposeful leader in our own lives, if we understand what our purpose or calling is, then we understand and live by our values, and we become accountable and self-aware. This leads to improved relationships, happiness and wellbeing because we are living our life the way we want to live it. At work, a team that is purposeful is more harmonious, innovative and effective.
Compassionate connection
Connection brings purpose to our lives. Empathy and kindness to ourselves first, and then to others fulfills the most basic of human needs: to feel valued and accepted for who we are. When we create compassionate connection with ourselves and then with others, we let go of judgements and resentments and create environments where trust and collaboration thrive.
MIndful Balance
Mindful balance is the key to self-awareness. Mindful balance has been found by scientists to cultivate emotional intelligence, especially empathy and self-regulation. This is key to dealing with conflict, pressures, and challenges in the workplace and at home. We are taught in a culture of achievement and doing that we are only worthy if we are achieving or doing, but that is not true, each one of us is worthy simply because we exist. We are human beings, not human doings. When we create space in our lives for mindful awareness and breaks to disconnect from the chatter of the mind and connect with our inner selves and our hearts we are opening ourselves up to a new level of conscious leadership.
Joyful Creativity
Joyful creativity is the expression of our life purpose, it is what allows us to use our gifts and our human intelligence to accomplish what we came to this world to accomplish. Without creativity, innovations and progress would not be possible. Joy does not mean that one has to be "happy" all the time, but when we feel that we are allowed to be creative and use our gifts, we learn to enjoy each moment and to thank life for the difficulties because we see them as lessons and possibilities. Joyful creativity is the ultimate expression of who we are.
the impact of our work
“For years, I looked for a mentor or a healthy soul to trust who could help me advance in my internal discovery. I immediately found in Catalina someone with the strength and inner knowing who I could trust with my process without knowing the end result. The work we did with Catalina took me by surprise…by helping me connect more deeply with myself, she provided me with a new mechanism and set of tools to strengthen my relationship with my loved ones and the goals that I set for myself. Today I value this experience as one of the most enriching of my life that has given me the gifts of discovery, enrichment, balance, and confidence.”
— Alejandro clavijo, ux designer
“The Co-Achieving Your Life Workshop was transformational for me and my team.I found it was a great opportunity to bond and begin to build trust, and it really broke down barriers between team members that are based in different locations. Our group coach, Catalina, was highly committed to the activity and her engagement and candor incentivized the team to participate with honesty and vulnerability, thereby creating an atmosphere that was ideal for bonding. Catalina was amazing at encouraging the team to have fun and really open up. I was happily surprised because we accomplished more that we set out to do. Instead of just superficially creating dialogue within the group, we really did get personal and began to know each other. The workshop far exceeded my expectations.”
— María Jimena Londoño, head of legal, greensill latam
“A few months ago, I had an important change in my life that catapulted my career to new heights. However, COVID times brought with them new challenges and I felt indifferent during a time when I should have been celebrating. My time spent with my Coachiva coach has been a sanctuary, a space within which to combat pessimism with optimistic humanism. A space within which to revive my idealism and to reiterate to myself over and over again that one must never let go of the possibility of being happy, that one must be self-accountable without sacrificing compassion towards oneself. The coaching sessions have been a place of indescribable epiphanies where I have been able to speak openly about the doubts and frustration that life’s complexities often generate, and make the needed adjustments.”
— Catalina Quintero, Coachiva Founder and CEO